Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Impressions

"Always make a good first impression" "First impression really makes a huge difference"

Those are the words of wisdom we always hear people give as advice when we want to know that pretty or handsome student in class. But what is a "good" first impression?

Say if you put on that special shirt in your closet, slip into the best pair of jeans you got, spent an hour on your hair (some guys do this, seriously) and practice some good pickup lines (if you really do this, it's rather pathetic). Normally, you only look like this for 5% of the time? So you proceed and scored a high distinction for first impression, if there's any grades to be given. Then what?

Unless you prepare to do that every bloody single day, you reputation can only go downhill after that. You'll be seen as putting on a mask and all your bad qualities began to leak through it. And if you keep trying as hard, you're just chaining yourself to unnecessary burden, unable to be truly free. Since all these impressions and reputation of yourself is very relative, why not start out average, be yourself (very cliche, I know) and give the sense of you have more under your skin than you first portray yourself? Start out by giving all the best you could, you're only left with nothing to be explored anymore, uninteresting maybe, worst case scenario, dull.

You might argue, what if you didn't put up the best on the first occasion, you wouldn't even have the second chance. If that's the case, if the person you want to impress really worth doing all this for him/her? I have other things to do than knowing such superficial type of people.

So, I would say, to hell with that overrated first impressions. People that truly deserve your attention are those who willing spend their time knowing you, building memories, good or bad, and most importantly, accepting your flaws.

Please pardon the quality of my first post as I'm not really a blogging person. This will be my semester break mini project. If you find that interesting enough, I thank you very much and stay tune for more posting about stuff that I ain't feel right about.

Here's a dedication for all my economics classmates.

Live to type another day, see you on the streets.


Joel said...

You? Blogging?

Anyway. It's a fine topic. But what made you write it?

Sunny's Rig said...

5gb cap. alot of time.